Kristin Connelly
The leader we need to keep our data and voting systems secure.
The integrity we need to conduct fair and impartial elections.

About Kristin
This is a critical time for our democracy and I am compelled to run and ensure fair, impartial and accessible elections.
It is also vital that our voting systems and data is kept secure from cyberattacks and other threats. My professional and volunteer experience demonstrates my enduring commitment to the important work the Clerk-Recorder-Registrar performs.

Kristin's Priorities
Transparent Elections
Transparency about the elections process and battling misinformation about voting will be critically important to maintaining confidence in our elections. Misinformation to suppress the vote is a threat to your right to cast a free vote in a fair election.
Maintain a paper trail of every ballot cast
Maintain a paper trail of every ballot cast to ensure ballots are accurately cast and counted.
Easy Voter Registration
Registering to vote is the foundation of our civic duty and should be readily available.
expand VOTING
All registered voters will now receive a mail ballot in every election. We must continue efforts to expand registration efforts, as well as provide access to early voting locations and poll locations on Election Day.

Campaign Kick Off
Thanks to all those who turned out for our campaign kick off! Want to get involved in our campaign? Sign up for our newsletter or to volunteer >>
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Connelly for Contra Costa
Clerk-Recorder-Registrar 2022
14 Hawk Canyon Place
Lafayette, CA 94549